venerdì 25 gennaio 2008

Interview with Noma Falta- A Great Singer in Second Life

Qualche giorno fa ho avuto il piacere di incontrare la bravissima cantante Noma falta per una piccola intervistaGrazie ancora Noma per l'opportunità che mi hai dato! i siamo incontrate all'Ultima Spiaggia, un posto bellissimo dei miei cari Amici, Mia e Miguel.

Some days Ago i had the pleasure to meet the great singer Noma Falta for a little interview. Thanks again Noma for this opportunity you gave to me!! I met Noma at Ultima Spiaggia, the beach of my two dear Friends, Mia and Migue.

Lioranne : First of all thanks to be here Noma

Ok, when you arrived in Second Life?

Noma Falta: I arrived in April but really started coming on at teh end of May in 2007

Lioranne :Noma, I 'd like to know if you are a singer in rl too

Noma Falta: yes I am a singer in RL and a Bass player too

Lioranne: i was sure, so it's your real job?

Noma Falta: yes it is and i am photographer inRL too

Lioranne : nice!

Noma Falta: I love the Arts!

Lioranne: me too...ehhe

Lioranne: where do you live?

Noma Falta: I live in Atlanta, Georgia

Lioranne : when you started to sing?

Noma Falta: I began singing on the road at 16

Lioranne: how do you decided to sing also in SL??

Noma Falta: well, my RL friend, Elevynth Auer, made me come in here to play my took me awhile but i got started around October playing music in here...
She also made me put my photos up in here too.

Lioranne - Noma, do you know that you are much loved here??

Noma Falta: No i dont!! Am I ?? Wow!

Lioranne Flanagan:Oh yes!!!

Noma Falta: well i am flattered!

Lioranne : there are many singers in SL but you have something of special

Noma Falta: Awww that is nice to hear.....I just love to share music......

Lioranne :I think many persons of SL would like to follow your rl shows!!

Noma Falta: OH how fun I love the people that come to the shows in Sl they are Soo much fun!!!

And i would love for them to be there in Rl as well

Lioranne : what kind of music and songs you play?

Noma Falta: I do a mixture of Classic rock songs and Blues.I have been singing rock ,Soul and R&B for a long time

Lioranne : did you have a singer you looked up??

Noma Falta: someone I looked up to?

Lioranne : yes

Noma Falta: ok yes that started very young. At 12 I wanted to sing like Julie Andrews and then when i was older i listened to Joni Mitchell and lots of Soul singers like Aretha Franklin, supremes, Mary wells, and Chaka Kahn. LindaRonstadt was one i admired

Lioranne :All great singers

Lioranne : yes , great!!!

Lioranne: Noma, how SL has changed your real life?

Noma Falta: OH wow! Well, I have made lots of Real friends here in SL....
and I am getting more RL offers in places I have not thought of like overseas

Lioranne : can i make some photos ?

Noma Falta: yes you may

Lioranne : grazie

Lioranne : and about your job, something is changed with SL ?

Noma Falta: not as much i still play Real world gigs

Lioranne : when you were a child did you like sing?

Noma Falta: yes i did, but, I was playing violin in a symphony at the age of 7 and i played until 21 years old

Lioranne : it's a beautiful thing, i love it

Noma Falta: i love music

Lioranne: ohh me too, I understand well...

Noma Falta: i started playing piano at 4 but didnt stick with it and learned to read music then

Lioranne : at 4??

Noma Falta: yes, i was very young when i started :)

Lioranne : Noma do you spend much time in SL??

Noma Falta: A LOT! I play a lot of music in here and i love it and i like to go around and hear other acts as well and visit with friends!

Lioranne Flanagan: and how do you make to hold rl and SL separated ?

Noma Falta: that is tough but i think i can keep the two me playing music is the same no matter where i am playing :)

Lioranne :sure! What do you think about people that say SL is a place where you can find what you have not in rl?

Noma Falta: WEll i think they are right in some ways...People are more open to experiencing their "social" world in a much more open way I think..that of itself open more opportunities to see a different way of thinking

Lioranne : it's right

Noma Falta: But i dont think you can be totally someone else

Lioranne: no, i think the same as you

Lioranne: and about love inSL? Relations, feelings, are they real?

Noma Falta: yes they are .. i really dont think it is easy to separate your real feelings away from yourself, that would be very difficult to do

Lioranne so do you think that's possible falling in love for an

Noma Falta: Haha wow! i guess maybe falling in love with the person behind the avatar is possible?lets face it 99.99%of the avatars are HOT :)

Lioranne : ehhhe, all the avatars are so beauty!!!!

Noma Falta: they are!

Lioranne : Noma have you never met some SL friends in rl?

Noma Falta: No i haven't, anyway i think it would be nice!Well i take that back I met a friends partner and he is my SL friend

Lioranne : which are your next programs as a singer?

Noma Falta: my plans right now are to keep playing . I just dont know what wil happen I hope good things.I have a lot coming up and some other project (musical ) that may happen in the future..I have benefits I play for good causes and some open mics

Lioranne : and about your next shows in RL?

Noma Falta: I regulary play Woodstock on Fridays and Boogie Bar on Thursdays and SplashHall on Wednesdays

Lioranne : Always in these days

Noma Falta: so far yes

Lioranne : ok , this is so important for many SL residents!!!

Noma Falta: I have other spots i play regular as well but not every week

Lioranne:Noma do you have a group to join on? I think that's very interesting fot your fans..


Noma Falta: I have a Fan based group -Noma's Bluez that is open enrollment and you one can join and get notices about show dates and times

Lioranne Flanagan: it a good new!

Noma Falta: and i would like to thanks my good friend Johannah Oh who is such a great help to me and is tireless in her pursuits Thanks!JOhannah!!!

Lioranne Flanagan: ok, Noma, thanks so much , you have been very kind

Noma Falta: thanks for thinking about me

Lioranne: oh thank to you really!!And forgive my english!!

Noma Falta: oh you are great !!!

Liorann: I'm not sure of it, lol

Noma Falta: awww

Lioranne : Noma, one last thing...

Noma Falta: ok

Lioranne : I have a friend that is crazy for your music and for you, he comes always to your shows!

Noma Falta: oh? who is it?

Lioranne : Helmer!

Noma Falta: heheh he is a very loyal fan, a sweetheart ehheh

Lioranne : I think is one of your greatest fan!

Noma Falta: he is !!! he is getting cd from me....

Lioranne: I know it sshhhhhhhh...

Lioranne : it's been a pleasure for me talking with you

Noma Falta: thanks again for talking with me

Noma Falta: thanks see ya around lioranne

Lioranne: sure!!

Noma Falta: byee

Lioranne: see you soon and good luck for your SL, but most of all for your Real Life!

giovedì 24 gennaio 2008

Pareo Party stasera Al Salimar Turtle's Villagge!!

Grande Festa stasera, come tutti i Giovedì d'altra parte..... a Salimar!!! Tutti in bikini e pareo, per un gran divertimento, con persone davvero speciali!!! Mila, Marino,Marzietta,Wally,Anna , la super dj Daphnae Tomsen e i residenti dell' isola vi aspettano!!! Mi piace questo Contest!!!! Il miglior "mister" e la migliore "miss" saranno premiati con 500 Linden! Una bellissima spiaggia, ottima musica e tante risate, ve l'assicuro!! Allora, a stasera!!!!

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2008

A seguire la 7 tappa di Miss Italia SL

Prima di andare a vedere la Settima tappa di Miss Italia SL io e Mia ci siamo incontrate all'"Ultima Spiaggia" per decidere come vestirsi !Più vado lì ,da lei e Miguel e più mi ci trovo bene, come a casa mia, merito di loro 2!!!! Ecco Mia sulla posestand che sceglie il suo vestito.Poi sono arrivati degli amici fra cui la super Iao e Mia ha rezzato il suo cane che alll'inizio mi pareva di più un gatto.... e si è messa a ballare!!Ahhahha che grullini che siamo!!! Ma quanto è divertente stare con lei e gli altri suoi amici!!! Iao è stata molto gentile ad aiutarmi a risolvere il problema con la Chimera che ho comprato e che, indossata, mostrava su di me il prezzo!!! Dopo aver ballato un pò ci siamo catapultate ad Italian Life dove c'erano molte altre persone che conosciamo, fra cui Helm , Micalita e Manco che è arrivato più tardi! Mia ha trovato un altro corteggiatore che le ha regalato un mazzo di tantissime rose rosse....oh, dovunque vada è sommersa da im, ahhahh ! Io mi sono immersa nella Chat per poter scrivere l' articolo su questa settima tappa e quindi mi son persa molte delle migliori battute scambiate fra Mia e gli altri e anche le foto che si sono fatti...!!! Grazie ragazzi, sto molto bene con voi!
Ecco alcune delle foto scattate prima e durante la serata!!
Se volete sapere come è andata la Settima Tappa potete andare sul Sito di Miss Italia Second Life

Il momento della "vestizione" ehheh

Italian Life
la dj Trilly con un'amica
Davidc Daviau e in basso Micalita
Mia e sullo sfondo Helm
io e..ancora Helm
Ludovica Hax e Davidc Daviau
Davide Forcella ,Owner di Italian Life ( Complimenti per l'avatar!ehheh)
Le Concorrenti

la cantante YanilMatos Reina