The musical “Draculea - Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” is coming on SL and is sponsored by the major Italian blood donor association AVIS, Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue.
Second Life is going to host “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore”. This is a two parts musical with Soundtrack by Tiziano Barvafiera, Script by Diego Ribechini, Choreographies by Anna Grunwald, with Riccardo Giannini as Director.
The musical “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” will be the official ambassador of the regional section of AVIS in
“Blood is Life” ...this is the main plot of the perfect linkage between AVIS and the Virtual Vampire world in Second Life. From such a linkage, this new great social and cultural initiative is born.
AVIS choose as a virtual communication medium this show that will play in Real Life on October 3, 4, and 5 in Florence to the Rifredi Theater during the celebrations of the Florence's Music Festival first of this kind dedicated the the world of musicals.
The musical “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” won the first prize for the best unpublished italian musical during the Musical Day 2007 event.
The very same team, enhanced with the addition of new professionals, that in the past months realized in Second Life the musicals “Odissea the Musical” and “Jesus Christ Superstar”, has completely generated a brand new 3D Virtual Draculea with avatars and scenery specifically realized for this event.
While the singers will broadcast from studio, the avatars will be driven in Real-Time by the team that obtained a perfect sinch between moves and musics throughout months of practicing.
The musical “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” in SL is by an idea of Anna Grunwald (Lioranne Flanagan in SL) and Claudio Crocetti (KlaudeC Korobase in SL). Scenery in SL is generated by Architect Alessandro La Sorte (Lamosseth Beck in SL) with the collaboration of Mrs. Daniela Rizzi (Cristabella Loon in SL). Costumes produced by Mrs. Franca Olivieri (Fanny Douglas in SL) with special effects by Dario De Judicibus (Eadoin Welles in SL). Dracula's animations and accessories by Valentina Ferrari (Saytona Chemistry in SL).
13 songs sung by 7 musical singers that will perform live, more than 20 among actors, builders, scripters, and technical support are the numbers of a shows that promises to be a great event!
After the success in SL of “Odissea the Musical”, once more the musical is the main event with “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore”.
The musical “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” by Senso Unico Alternato (SUA), Arkitris, Fanny's Dream, is now on Second Life thanks to the sponsorship of Musaico Immaginario,, AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue) and the Blog of “Indipendente” newspaper.
For the very first time in Second Life on Wednesday, September 24 at 9:30 p.m. (CET or GMT+1) the musical “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” will perform.
This great event will take place in the lands “Living in
Please have a look at the trailer of the musical “Draculea – Nel Sangue e nell'Amore” on YouTube at the following address:
in the closing titles, you have all the names of the avatars who participated to the making of the event.
The show is also streamed on the WEB at the following address: and
...even in the world of darkness there will be light because “Bood is Life”!