Rinascimento Virtuale 2
Second Life
Domani 14 Febbraio 2010
Second Life
Domani 14 Febbraio 2010
Nell’Albania magica e tribale di fine Ottocento, tra finzioni e ritorni della memoria, si svolge la vicenda di Vuksa’, che dopo 25 anni ritorna al nord, tra i suoi monti, trovando ospitalità presso il potente casato degli Agolli, legato alla sua famiglia da un antico vincolo di sangue. Suo zio Ybler, infatti, e Dhimiter Agolli, poi misteriosamente assassinato, da adolescenti avevano stretto una Kumarie, attraverso il rito della mescolanza del sangue delle ferite prodotte da piccoli tagli alle dita.
AL suo arrivo nel villaggio un sogno intessuto di oscuri segnali, lo spinge a ricercare tra le ombre del passato.
In tribal and magic Albania of the Seventeenth Century, between fiction and returns the memory, takes place Vuksa’ story, who after 25 years returns to the north, between its mountains, finding accommodations at the powerful House of Agolli, linked to his family from an ancient bond of blood. His uncle Ybler, in fact, and Dhimiter Agolli, then mysteriously murdered, as teenagers had formed a “Kumarie”, through the ritual of mixing the blood of wounds from minor cuts to his fingers. At his arrival in the village, a dream woven of dark signal and incentive to seek among the shadows of the past.
This is the beginning, or perhaps could be the end ... the end of a path already traced. the path to the discovery of his roots and his own destiny. This is the story of Vuska and his love for the passionate and mad villain Yela.
Lo spettacolo che vedrete questa sera, è un primo tentativo degli autori, di trovare una forma possibile, di teatro virtuale, dove gli attori non sono gli avatar ma i prims. E' quindi un esperimento di recitazione delle forme, attraverso la loro danza. Questa rappresentazione vuole celebrare , attraverso la sinergia tra colori musica, voci e movimento la dimensione onirica del racconto a cui si ispira.
The show you will see tonight is a first attempt of the authors, to find a viable form of virtual theatre, where the actors are not avatars but prims. Therefore this is an experiment in acting forms, through their dance. This representation aims to celebrate, through the synergy between music, colors, voices and movement the oneiric dimension of the story inspiring.
The show wants to evoke the carnal love, the drama of choice, the freedom.
This story is taken from the book "Blood" of Lukia Haldermann
a detective story with shades sensual and “noire”
AL suo arrivo nel villaggio un sogno intessuto di oscuri segnali, lo spinge a ricercare tra le ombre del passato.
In tribal and magic Albania of the Seventeenth Century, between fiction and returns the memory, takes place Vuksa’ story, who after 25 years returns to the north, between its mountains, finding accommodations at the powerful House of Agolli, linked to his family from an ancient bond of blood. His uncle Ybler, in fact, and Dhimiter Agolli, then mysteriously murdered, as teenagers had formed a “Kumarie”, through the ritual of mixing the blood of wounds from minor cuts to his fingers. At his arrival in the village, a dream woven of dark signal and incentive to seek among the shadows of the past.
This is the beginning, or perhaps could be the end ... the end of a path already traced. the path to the discovery of his roots and his own destiny. This is the story of Vuska and his love for the passionate and mad villain Yela.
Lo spettacolo che vedrete questa sera, è un primo tentativo degli autori, di trovare una forma possibile, di teatro virtuale, dove gli attori non sono gli avatar ma i prims. E' quindi un esperimento di recitazione delle forme, attraverso la loro danza. Questa rappresentazione vuole celebrare , attraverso la sinergia tra colori musica, voci e movimento la dimensione onirica del racconto a cui si ispira.
The show you will see tonight is a first attempt of the authors, to find a viable form of virtual theatre, where the actors are not avatars but prims. Therefore this is an experiment in acting forms, through their dance. This representation aims to celebrate, through the synergy between music, colors, voices and movement the oneiric dimension of the story inspiring.
The show wants to evoke the carnal love, the drama of choice, the freedom.
This story is taken from the book "Blood" of Lukia Haldermann
a detective story with shades sensual and “noire”
A festival of Italians finest Artists showing their designs, sculptures, installations and performences in a overwhelming festival at the Diabolus sim. Vivid colours, spectacular buildings, interactive creations, spectacular shows.
Shown by a group of artists working on the metaverse, making art of the highest level.
Shown by a group of artists working on the metaverse, making art of the highest level.
2 commenti:
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