sabato 9 agosto 2008

Gli SpaceJunky in Second Life!!

Bellissimo Concerto Live della famosa Band - SpaceJunky in Second Life!!!
Ottimo streaming, canzoni favolose ,luci meravigliose con effetti speciali, molto simili a quelle reali!! Complimenti a chi ha organizzato questo spettacolare Concerto!!

Tania, Dan e Luke
"In una Galassia a migliaia di anni luce di distanza, un concilio della Federazione Galattica selezionò 3 dei migliori Esseri Transvibrazionali per inviarli sulla Terra come emissari.
La loro missione, era quella di osservare e adattare, in veste di musicisti , ed impartire grazie alla loro conoscenza cosmica e tecnologica i loro messaggi vibrazionali di guarigione ed energia....."

..Che il groove sia con voi

"In a galaxy several thousand lightyears away, a council of the Galactic Federation selected 3 of their best transvibrational beings to travel as emmisaries to planet Earth. Their appointed mission was to observe and adapt as musicians in separate continents, and through cosmic and technological connectivity impart their vibrational messages of healing and energy while reactivating star codes through earthly forms of musical communication."

All Australian by birth, and touring and recording for other major artists, at the time they met and connected life was taking them to other continents to live and work in the music business, Tania to the US & Luke to Malaysia, while Dan remained in Sydney. Not to be stopped they spent months at a time together when they could, living and working together writing and recording until "Resident Alien" was born. Actually the vault contains about 3 albums! A virtual band at it's best it was only a matter of time before they found a virtual world to land in. That world is SECOND LIFE.

It is no accident that SpaceJunky's mission co-incides with a time where Earth is in need of balancing forces committed to the preservation and advancement of humanity.

May the groove be with you.......

Se volete ascoltare Temple of Love....

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